Just add water…

All living things need water to survive. The amount may vary, but water isn’t a luxury to growth. It’s a necessity.

And if you’re a grown adult you may no longer be growing (not like you were as an adolescent), but water is still a necessity.

Often, a bad mood or feeling of exhaustion is really just mild dehydration. Drinking a glass of water can fix it. Don’t believe me? Try it.

Plain water has no calories. So you won’t be “messing up” a diet or a daily calorie intake. Just add water…

Intuitive readings can be purchased at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Expect more….from yourself.

Get in the habit of expecting more from yourself. Every day. Putting in literally 1-2% more than what you usually do will yield profound results.

Because most people don’t bother to give 1-2% more. A lot of them don’t even bother trying at all. You’re already ahead of the game just being in the game.

Since you’re there, why not give a little more? Or a lot more. But you can start with a little. When giving that little bit extra becomes a habit, I can almost guarantee you success in life. All it takes is 1-2%.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮


There is tremendous relief and calm that can be found in simply breathing. Slowly. Deeply. Breathing.

When we’re under stress, our breath becomes more shallow and rapid. Which might be good if we need to run, but not if it’s just an emotional stress response.

Try it. Just take 3 deep breaths. In to 4, hold 2, out to 6.

Feel better?

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Miss me with that 50%…

I am no longer settling for 50%. For half. For anything less than being all in. Fully engaged.

This goes for relationships. It goes for an approach to work. It goes for personal goals. Because what’s the point of doing anything at all if you’re only going to give a fraction of your attention or ability?

If you don’t give all you have to it, you can’t reasonably expect the other person to give 100%. Why would they?

Don’t settle. And don’t put up with 50%…

Readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Pinterest and YouTube

OracleIndigo has a Pinterest account. And I have a YouTube channel. I pin and post daily videos. And I also post weekly videos for each zodiac sign on Saturday or Sunday for that upcoming week.

They are for the collective. So they may not resonate with you. But I invite you to check them out. Then feel free to visit OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero for a private reading. I look forward to reading for you…🔮

Lavender for sleep…

You can dab lavender oil on the edges of your pillow to help sleep. You can also dab it on the edge of your sheets/blanket/comforter, too. It may leave an oil mark, so be mindful.

You can also dab it on your dogs cloth collar or the edges of their bed to help them calm down. Check with your vet if you’re concerned about the safety of it. But I’ve been doing it for years.

Chamomile can also be used. Sleep is so elusive for so many of us. A little help couldn’t hurt…

Get a tarot reading at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero today 🔮

Wear red for bravery and courage…

I read about this in a book of Roma folklore. It can be seen or unseen (underwear and socks count!). Red as a color for bravery and courage.

I wear red every time I run a marathon. I’ve finished every single one I’ve signed up for. And I wear red if I know I’m going to go through a difficult or challenging situation. Including difficult or challenging conversations with people.

Own your power. And wear some red while you’re at it.

Tarot readings on offer at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮

Walking as meditation.

Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed for hours. Or humming things you don’t understand in a quest for enlightenment. If you’re called to do those things, have at it.

But something as simple and seemingly mundane as walking in silence can be meditative. If you live on land, you can do this. And it doesn’t have to be for hours, either. Start with 5 minutes. Weather permitting, of course. Don’t listen to any podcasts, audio books, YouTube videos or music. Just walk. In silence. For five minutes. Try this for one week. I bet you’ll start to notice a positive difference in yourself.

Visit OracleIndigo at Etsy and Hey Hero for a reading today…🔮

If it triggers you, it probably needs healing…

If someone says something to you with it triggers you…it’s probably something that needs to be healed. Don’t blame the other person for saying it. Instead, ask yourself why it bothers you so much.

It may be a part of yourself that you aren’t proud of. That you can’t admit even to yourself. Or maybe it’s a past hurt you haven’t taken the time to heal.

If it triggers you, it needs your attention. When you’re secure with who you are and what you are about, nothing should have that power over you. Don’t let fear of confronting a demon or two keep your from living your best life.

Tarot readings available at OracleIndigo on Etsy and Hey Hero🔮