New Moon in Scorpio

Some intensity may be lingering in the air today with this new moon in Scorpio. Mars is also in Scorpio so there’s a lot of energy here. Mars is all about aggression, doing, war, action, motivation. And Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac. So you can see why you may be feeling a push today.

Lean into it. If you feel called to do something, do it. And if there’s something your been wanting to begin…this is an ideal time to do it.

Just be mindful that not everyone will know how to work with this energy. Or…work with it in a constructive, healthy way. Expect some random aggression from others.

Push past it and use this energy to truly transform yourself or some part of your life. Scorpio is known for significant transformation.

If you were waiting for a sign….this is it.