Tarot Card Reading of the Week – May 26, 2019

The card in the past position is Temperance reversed.  A lack of balance. A lack of moderation with something.  Something too extreme. Swinging too far in one direction.  It’s in the past direction – so it’s energy leaving us.

The card in the present position is the Six of Cups upright.  This can be a soul mate card.  It can also be about friends from the past – perhaps from our childhood. Although it doesn’t have to go back that far. It could just be somebody we haven’t heard from in a while.    A lovely card. It’s about kindness and kindred spirits.

The card in the future position is the Two of Wands upright.   Any time there’s a two card, it can (not always) indicate choice in some way. Or, dealing with two of something – obviously. Wands are about things we are excited about or things we are passionate about.  Two new hobbies, maybe. Or a job and  a hobby.  It comes right after the Ace of Wands so there’s a newness and a freshest to this card. The beginning of something exciting.

Good cards this week.  We’re leaving some energy that lacked balance and we’re headed towards something new and exciting.  Nothing bad about that…

Be open to what calls you…
